Technical Training

Certified Plant Operator (CPO) Program

Technical Training

CBWA requires, as a condition of membership, that each bottler has at least one full time employee that directs work at the facility who has obtained recognition by the CBWA as a CPO. This program is designed to ensure that each bottling facility has received the adequate training and qualification to safely operate a bottled water manufacturing facility. The CPO Learning Modules material have been developed to assist bottlers in preparation for the CPO Final Examination.

* For Members Only *

The (online) CBWA CPO Program includes:

1. CPO Learning Modules

2. CPO Final Examination

The CPO Learning Modules consist of 25 modules. Each module focuses on specific areas within the manufacturing process, food safety standards and quality controls required by CBWA and government regulations. Immediately following the completion of each module, a short quiz will be required with a score of 100% before moving on the next module.

CBWA Model Code

The Model Code is designed to be used as a model for “regulation” or “legislation” of the Canadian Bottled Water Association and is a living document and under frequent revisions. The Model Code is intended to provide the reader with a brief overview of the various regulatory requirements and industry best practices for bottled water production In Canada. The document (online) may not reflect the most recent update.

CBWA Audit Handbook

The handbook has been developed to assist In preparing for a plant’s annual audit. The CBWA also provides this handbook to its audit contractor to assist in interpreting the federal and CBWA requirements and their application to bottled water facilities. The handbook also serves to provide the means to conduct a self audit, an important part of any plant’s HACCP program, also as a useful tool not only in preparing for the annual inspection but helping in day-to-day operations in the event that a facility is inspected by the local CFIA inspector.

When items are noted or cited by the Inspector during the CBWA audit the facility will be requested to take the necessary action to correct any deficiencies. For the items marked ‘critical”, immediate corrective action is required.

CBWA Bottled Water Food Safety Practices

The “CBWA Bottled Water Food Safety Practices” has been developed by the Canadian Bottled Water Association through a technical subcommittee comprised of industry experts (CBWA – CIFSI Committee). The project was funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) through its “Growing Forward” program, and partnered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. AAFC provides information, research and technology, as well as policies and programs to achieve security of the food systems, health, the environment and innovation for growth. The project management for this project is directed by CBWA.